Woking, The Lightbox, The Ingram Collection: Dreams and Nightmares, 22 May – 15 July 2012
Woking, The Lightbox, Not all contemporary art is rubbish! The Ingram Collection, 2 February – 10 April 2016
“Ambiguity is evident in Hoda’s use of animal protagonists. His actors are loosely based on pigs, bears, cats or dogs yet species or origin is never clearly defined. Hoda’s lack of specificity and use of generic animal forms allow him to explore human’s basic animal instincts without being overtly pornographic, violent or sentimental. The viewer defers immediate moral judgement – for animals are base and instinctual, devoid of any sense of right and wrong. Furthermore, our relationship with the animal kingdom, both real and fictional (teddies, cartoons and toys), is complex and arguably un-nerving. Hoda substitutes our normally un-wavering affection with a more uneasy and uncanny reflection.”
Nick Aikens. Aikins is curator at the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven.